The risk of developing the religious wars of the Sunni and Shia?

The risk of developing the religious wars of the Sunni and Shia?

The risk of developing the religious wars of the Sunni and Shia? The risk of developing the religious wars of the Sunni and Shia? Middle East read the latest situation () International reintegration of Iran Rohani President Confrontation of Saudi Arabia and Iran, has been said to be representative of the confrontation of the Sunni and Shia. Has been continued long Cold War state confrontation between not that began in a day sect, I come here, why ranged from hair-trigger of the crisis that Danko. Is this would be directly connected to the world war. Let hand. Visitors commentary to Mr. historian Y. ( Islamic State (ISIL) nuclear agreement the situation in the Middle East Full text Risk that the Middle East of religion [dispute] will develop in the war] Danko between Saudi Arabia and Iran still have followed, it has become a tension factor in international relations. And Saudi Arabia is a leader of the Sunni, is Iran should also referred to as the head temple of the Shia, such as this to be security, has been competing for a long time, including the national interest of the relative.

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